20 May 2024

Reading time: 3 minutes

Discover 7 common triggers of age-related energy decline, so you can enjoy healthy energy levels at any age.
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Are you worried that your energy is disappearing as you get older?

You’re not alone.

It’s one of the biggest fears for many people, as abundant energy is tied so closely to quality and enjoyment of life.

One of the main underlying factors of age-related energy decline is inflammation and oxidative stress (from free radicals).

They attack the very system in your body that produces over 95% of your energy.

Your body is designed to handle a certain amount of inflammation and oxidative stress, and some is even necessary…

But modern lifestyles are increasing these to dangerous levels that age you faster, slow down metabolism, and destroy your cellular energy.

They can even trigger each other, creating a cycle that can spiral out of control.

It's important to address these too, as low energy and fatigue can also be early warning signs for more serious health problems to come…

Here are 7 common triggers of inflammation and oxidative stress that can lead to energy decline:


This is a big one. A lot of evidence has shown that obesity results in a state of chronic oxidative stress.


Some fruits and vegetables are protective but our supermarkets are overloaded with processed foods that promote inflammation and oxidative stress, even alcohol and a lot of so called health foods are nasty culprits too.

how to fix fatigue
Lack of Sleep

We are sleeping less than ever and this results in less time for your body to deal with the free radicals generated in the day. Sleep disorders are correlated with many diseases associated with increased oxidative stress, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson.

how to fix fatigue

Many common prescription and over the counter medications result in increased oxidative stress and inflammation.


Whether it’s physical like sore muscles after gardening, or emotional like work, financial, and relationship stress, it all adds fuel to the fire.


This comes in endless forms, from toxins in beauty products, to pesticides on produce, and even radiation and EMF’s from cell phones and wifi. The world we live is very different from the one our bodies were designed for.


As women go through “the change” some protective hormones decrease. Rates of some diseases are lower in women till around age 55 after which they quickly catch up and even surpass men’s rates.

If you have any of these, it’s time to protect your body and rewind your energy to youthful levels.

The good news is, it’s possible to drastically improve your energy levels if you address these 2 critical factors:

#1. Protect your body’s energy system from inflammation and oxidative stress

#2. Provide beneficial stimulation that will increase your body’s energy production

Enter your name and email below to discover the safest and easiest way to tackle both of these and get your energy back.
